Admissions Policy:
We are licensed to accept children 18 months to 12 years of age. Child Care spots are filled on a first come first served basis. A waiting list is maintained in the event that the centre is enrolled to its licensed capacity.
Registration Fee:
Our centre has a $100.00 non-refundable registration fee per child up to a maximum of $250.00 ($100.00 per child up to 2 children and an additional $50.00 for 3 or more children).
Co-op Fee:
Our centre has a $10.00 non-refundable co-operative membership fee per family.
Both the Registration Fee and the Co-op Fee must be paid by the time a family starts in the centre and may be paid in advance to hold or guarantee a spot.
Fees (As of February 1st, 2022):
NEW FEE STRUCTURE! In November 2021 an announcement was made by the Government of Saskatchewan and Canada about a reduction to parent fees as the province moves towards an average of $10.00 per day regulated child care for children under the age of 6. Effective February 1st, 2022 the centre’s fees will be reduced to reflect this. Please note that as the National Child Care Agreement only applies to children under the age of 6, our school age fees remain unchanged. .
Toddler (18 months to 2 ½ years)
Full Time - $343.00 per month.
Preschool (2 ½ to 5 years of age)
Full Time - $313.00 per month.
Kindergartens (children attending ½ day kindergarten)
Full Time - $299.00 per month up until child’s 6th birthday.
$605.00 per month beginning the month after the child turns 6 years of age.
School Age (Grade 1 and up)
September to June Full Time - $470.00 per month.
July & August Full Time - $605.00 per month.
Registration Procedures:
Upon admission, parents are required to fill in the following forms prior to the child’s start date:
- Co-op Membership Application
- Agreement for Child Care Services
- Social Resume
- Health Resume
- Emergency Transportation Consent
- Emergency Card
- Transportation Consent
- Subsidy Application (for parents applying for Subsidy)
- Supplemental Agreement
- Picture/Video Consent
- Child Release Form
Parents will receive a tour and orientation from the Director or Supervisor. It is highly recommended that parents be familiar with the Parent Handbook and Policies of the centre as soon as they register.
We encourage a gradual entry program that allows children to become familiar with the centre before the actual start date. This consists of:
- A 1stvisit with the parent or close family member. This should last about 1 to 2 hours. The child will be shown around the centre, be given a chance to explore toys and equipment and will be introduced to staff and other children.
- A 2nd visit of about 1 half day (mornings are best) where the child is encouraged to interact more independently while the parent remains in the centre.
- 1 to 3 short visits without the parent.
- Full days alone once the child is comfortable.Top of Form